From Couch to 50K: How to Train Like an Elite Endurance Athlete with Coach Justin Kline

From Couch to 50K: How to Train Like an Elite Endurance Athlete with Coach Justin Kline

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Why You Should Know Justin Kline

Training out of: Waipahu, Hawaii

Occupation: Ultra-endurance athlete and head coach of the Archangel Race Team

Instagram: @coach_justin1 & @archangelraceteam

Justin runs Archangel Fitness and is the head coach of the Archangel Race Team which competes in ultra-endurance events across the country.

Through Archangel Fitness, Justin coaches his clients in all aspects of advanced personal training and exercise science. This includes everything from nutrition planning and body type design to developing training plans for ultra-marathon runners.

Aside from snapping pictures of the Hawaiian coastline… there’s two reasons why we love Justin. The first is because he transforms normal people into otherworldly elite athletes. The second is because he uses Megaton as his race day fuel!

He is a normal guy that gets extraordinary results - and that’s what we are all about here at Megaton. When we saw what Justin is capable of we were blown away. The outcomes that Justin gets for his clients (as well as himself) are second to none – which meant that we absolutely needed to know what was behind his methods. We asked Justin “What’s the secret to training for races like an elite endurance athlete?”

Here’s What He Had to Say:

Justin’s Keys to Training for a Successful Race Season

  1. Train just like it’s Race Day.
    • Practice each and every aspect you can during training. Whether it’s your morning breakfast, on course nutrition, transition setup, new gear, or a new technique- it builds habits and allows you to perfect your race day routine.
  2. Train Adaptability & Flexibility
    • Even when it’s raining or it’s cold outside you need to train in adverse conditions. You can’t control the conditions on race day. If you are used to pushing hard on a cold wet day, you already have the advantage over your opponents
  3. Train to a Standard.
    • Whether you use distance, time, stress score, or a combination of all three, accomplish the training session goal. Never stop yourself short. The 1st time you quit makes it easier to quit the next time.
  4. Practice the Unexpected
    • Nothing can ruin race day more than an unexpected flat or other mechanical failure. Take time to practice these skills so that a minor problem doesn’t ruin race day.
  5. Train Creatively
    • If you do the same workouts over and over you are likely to hit a plateau. Don’t be afraid to do something you haven’t done before.
  6. Enjoy the Suffering
    • If training isn’t fun, then why are you doing it? Just remember that this is a hobby and a passion. It should bring a little bit of joy into your day. If you dread your workout every day, maybe it’s time to step away for a while and start fresh

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Advice For Those Training for the Big Race

"I live by the words of Julius Caesar, "Veni, Vidi, Vici". Don't just show up to compete, show up to conquer you competition!"

One thing we’ve learned from Justin is that this advice just scratches the surface. If you’re interested in getting deeper into his brain on everything from race-day food prep to training regimens – then we suggest you give him a shout on the Archangel Fitness website or over on their Instagram and facebook pages.


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